Why this Blog?

Welcome to my very first blog post! In a society with so many opinions, I have one too. You may not care about or like my opinions, and that is okay. We may not see eye to eye on a specific subject, and that's okay too. We're all different and that's what makes us great. I have read so many things about other people who found a type of calling with writing. My goal here is to put out information that is helpful and creative for anyone who would like to take the time to read it. When you think about what you want your life to be, what does that look like. I think we at times can get too stuck in our own heads about what we should and shouldn't do. Maybe others opinions of us, effect us too much. Or maybe it's just me who internalizes everything. Well here it goes, putting it out here for all of you to see. If this goes anywhere at all:) I have been told that revealing your true self can help break through superficial small talk to make real connectio...