What Happened to My Hershey's??!!

Okay, I have never really been a super huge fan of chocolate. I know, I know, who doesn't love some form of chocolate? Well for me, we didn't eat a whole lot of candy in my house growing up, so when we did, it made a lasting impression. For a creative spin on some sweet treats, we liked to toast a slice of bread, smear it with butter while the bread was still warm, and then sprinkle it with sugar and cinnamon. If you haven't tried it, you may be surprised. Another thing we loved to eat was peanut butter and homemade strawberry freezer jam mixed together on a slice of bread. You couldn't just put the peanut butter on one slice and the jam on the other, you had to mix them together in a bowl then smear it on the bread, Mmm, not sure how, but mixing it made it taste better. I was also young and loved almost everything sweet. It does bring back memories just thinking about them. Speaking of remembering how good something tasted, I have a bit of a bone to pick w...