Take the Cape!

Ahh, peace.  How do you achieve it in your spare time?  What is the definition of peace in your life?  I'm not sure about you, but peace for me is a state of mind and being.  Maybe you just need some time with no work, or possibly just a moment for some quiet.   Whatever your way to achieve it, how long does it last for you? For many, it is very short lived before the next big distraction or mental crisis comes along and steals those precious minutes. 

There is something I want to start doing again that I haven't done in a while.  I know for a fact it brings me a sense of well being and peace.  That is to get outdoors for more fresh air and nature.  I'm hoping that writing about going will re-inspire me to go back sooner rather than later, and possibly help others to go out and enjoy the Cape Fear River Trail. There was a time when I visited the trail at least 3 days a week or more, sadly I can say, it's been a while.  

If you haven't had a chance to check it out, now is the time.  With cooler weather and the fall foliage colors brightening the way, what better time is there?  Go for a run, take your pups for a stroll or bike along the river.  Today is the day to get away from the stress and the daily grind.  Every time I have ever been to the trail it has lightened my day and week.  There have been days while running there that a deer leapt across the path right in front of me! I am a sucker for animals! Love to see them all over. 

I do have one story to share that I thought was a little funny. (to me anyway). I decided to take a bike to the trail, I was by myself and hadn't ridden in quite some time.  If you know me, you know that I'm kind of going to do what pops in my head. Now I have visited this trail many times, I always to the the entrance that is by the Jordan Soccer Complex near Ramsey Street.  There are signs along the trail with benches, trash stations and pet poo pick up stations.  Before Covid there were also water jugs after the bridge that goes under the train tracks, but I'm thinking those may be gone now? Don't quote me on that, I do plan to go back and find out for myself.  Anyway, the bike.  Before you get to the bridges there are signs that mention walking your bike across instead of riding. I was riding along and thinking, why in the world would anyone want to get off their bike and walk it on such a nice bridge.  I'm cruising along on the 2nd bridge (after seeing two of those signs) and as I come around the corner I see a person walking in the middle.  Now, I'm not particularly close to this person, but I was so in my zone that he startled me. Well, do you know what happens when you startle Heather on a bike?  You jump, swerve and then fish tale on the bridge with it's lovely worn down wood planks.  I almost ran over this guy while yelling I'm sorry as I whizzed right past him. If he could have see the terror in his eyes! Maybe he saw it in mine, but I immediately thought, okay self, that's why you might want to consider hopping off the bike and enjoy a short walk on the bridge. 

If you didn't live in the area when hurricanes have hit, you would hardly be able to tell that some of the trail was completely under water, including the bridge that goes under the train tracks a little over a mile in from the soccer complex entrance.  Thanks to the wonderful people who work diligently to keep the area ready for all of us to enjoy.  

Check out this article about the flooding in 2016 with before and after photos if you are interested https://www.fayobserver.com/article/20161012/News/310129801


Link to more Cape Fear River Trail Info

Go Out and Enjoy the Cape!

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my post.


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